Monday, June 28, 2010

Mail Monster

I designed up a character that I'm not sure what to do with - he's got an envelope, so I'd say I could use him on my mailing list page on my website or something - will let ya know. Here he is...

These sneakers are so kewl, they're actually a font!

Some more pictures

Hello all, attached are two newish pics that I created. I think they're both quite dreamy and sleepy, they'd look great in a bedroom at the foot of your bed, hence the sleepy titles...

Honey Joon Moon - I picture this to be very early in the morning just as you're waking up on a little boat. Is the sun really a smiling head or are you dreaming...

Goodnight, Sleep Tight - I'd say heart shaped clouds with winged sheep do fly above my house after dark, why wouldn't they? ;)

Saturday, June 26, 2010


Baubie Sunshine is a character I created. I had a dream one night and in it I was handed a birth certificate with her name spelled clearly on it. I woke up thinking that it was the maddest name I'd ever heard but I really liked it! So, I immediately went to work designing what I thought she might look like and this is who I came up with...

When it came to naming my business I just thought why not name it after her... so far so good ;)


At my first ever exhibition at Dame Street Gallery, I was very surprised when I looked up and saw Glen Hansard from The Frames & The Swell Season peering in through the window. We managed to call him in and get a photo, yay! Also when me and Dave (boyfriend) were travelling around Oz we stumbled upon him again and got another photo, yay! Here they are...

Dave, Glen, Debbie, Me

Friday, June 25, 2010


I was driving down town a while back and parked in a multi-story car park. As I pulled into a spot I caught a glimpse of this little robot standing on a window ledge. I instantly grabbed him and examined his little head which was all cracked and bitten. He looked completely homeless and absolutely lost so I took him home...

Ernie enjoying his new life

love love LOVE this!

This was one of my favourite books when I was growing up 'Where The Wild Things Are' except I had mine in German, because my Dad's German, it was called 'Wo die wilden Kerle wohnen'. Anyhoo, just seen this recently on DVD and I loved it! I actually CRIED at the end, it's just sooo sad!! The monsters look so real and their faces are brilliant - just like the book. Only bit I didn't like was the fact that his room doesn't change into the forest (that's the way it should be)!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

In Through The Out Door

Here's another pic that I created while travelling. Couldn't believe the little creatures flying through the sky, I just HAD to photograph them! ;)

This one's called 'In Through The Outdoor', don't you just love the mixture of cuteness and rock!

Tooth Fairy and Kat

I've had these two pics for a while, I designed them up while backpacking around Australia last year (boy was I inspired over there, it's a very inspiring place!). They are a collage of many bits and pieces of photographs. Take a look see...

Safe Nuclear Tooth Fairy (saw this line on a bumper sticker and loved it instantly, I had to design up a picture of the nuclear tooth fairy). So here it is.

Monsieur Kat (don't know why I called it that, he just seemed like a 'monsieur'.

Hello All, My First Post

It is officially my first post on my new blog... woohoo. I suppose first I'll do a bit of a catch up. I am in the process of setting up my own shop online which will be selling some little yummy bits and pieces. I make photo-art first and foremost and I really want to put my images on anything I can! I'm going to start with coasters, t-shirts, cards and that will be a great start. Stay tuned to follow my progress...