Thursday, August 26, 2010

Oh before I go...

Just before I go, LOVE this. Yoshitomo Nara is one of my favourite artists. I just love his sinister cuteness. Okay, now I'm really going! xx

Bye Bye!

Wooo, I'm off on hols with Dave to the south of France on Monday, yay!! I will be gone for 2 weeks so I won't be blogging as I will be lying on a beach or leaping into the ocean or drinking wine and chilling out! I can't wait. I'm sure I will be back fully inspired and ready for getting the shop up and running with goodies! Laters xx

ohhh, isn't it just fab!!!

Miles & Miles

Howdy, this is a new pic that I finished recently. It features windmills, soft furry mountains, deep blue skies, oh and a motorised flying robot man. Hope you guys like it ;)

Monday, August 16, 2010

Iddo's Dream

I really like the look of an old negative, it has a charming, dreamy and spooky look. I was working on this pic recently. I scanned in a negative and then added the girl with the net over it on Photoshop, it gave a really old effect. Hope you like it!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Curly Sue

Hello all, was soo busy, busy, busy with the Horse Show in the RDS last week, I just didn't have enough time to update my blog. I wanted to share one of my favourite films with you all, Curly Sue (I know I'm a big kid inside!) I just LOVE it! Here she is in all her curlyness...