Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Yule Tide!

Merry Christmas every one of my little Baubles! Thanks so much for your on going support, I couldn't do it without you guys! I have LOADS planned for the new year, lots of yummy goodies and things for everyone to enjoy, so please stay tuned! Remember you still have a few days left to order from the shop to get free shipping! Remember too that I have a new website and all of my news will be on my news page, I will be slowly but permanently leaving blogger, so please leave with me!

Anyhoo, enjoy the turkey and the grinch and I shalll talk to you all in the new year! Natalie xx

Vintage pics of Salvation Army Santa!

Thursday, November 17, 2011


Another new picture to add to the list, this is a very Wintery image, Snowflakes. This also showcased last weekend at The Splash Art Festival. It features my favourite little doggy, Bonnie which I have put into a red suit and curly red wig. I really do have a thing for animal heads on human bodies, don't I?!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bubble Clocks

Check out my new range of bubble clocks, they won't be appearing in the shop unfortunately because they are glass and will surely smash in transit. But fret not, I will be selling them at some Christmas fairs in December. I will let you know all the details. There are not many of these babies!

Roberta Tulsa

Hello all and thankyou so much to all of you who came to see me at the Splash Art Festival last weekend, it was a roaring success thanks to the fabulous organiser, Magda Nowacka (her photographs are beautiful, check them out!) I just finished a new picture before the show but forgot to put her up. Those of you who are familiar with my bebaubled stag picture, Alberto Tulsa, will recognise that this has to be his lady... meet Roberta.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Escape From The Carnival

Hellooo! I have a new picture for you all to have a look at. Escape From The Carnival will be showcasing at The Back Loft this Saturday & Sunday, so please come along! This picture shows two horses which have escaped from a merry go round at the carnival. They've had enough of circling the same spot and are off to find adventure. It is a peaceful but lively piece, it is night but the adventure has just begun...

Monday, November 7, 2011

I'm Exhibiting!

Hello all! I am exhibiting and showcasing some of my new pictures this Saturday & Sunday! There will be soo many things to see, I will have clocks, brooches and magnets too. There will be loads of other artists there too! So please come along and say hello!

Where: The Back Loft, St Augustine Street, Dublin 2. (Off Thomas Street)
When: Saturday 12th of November 6-11 pm (Have a glass of wine!) & Sunday 13th of November 12-6 pm
Price: 5 Euro for one day or & 7 Euro for a two day pass.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Cake

It was my beautiful Mama's birthday on the 29th of October so we celebrated it by having a big Halloween party. I went as a corpse bride, Dave as a creepy clown. I decided to make her birthday cake in the guise of the Wicked Witch of the West. It turned out absolutely nuts looking but it did the trick. Anybody else make any unusual Halloween Treats this year? Check out the pics...

I made her from a barbie and marzipan!

Betty Crocker's Devils Food Cake all piled up! YUM...

This must be the maddest cake I've ever made! HAHA

The skeletons were the candle holders!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Zebra In A Top Hat Press Website

Check out the new ZIATHP wesbite here where you can pre-order your copy of Cranium Kid (the boy of the head). There are also links to our Twitter, Facebook and mailing list, so please follow us on our journey there too! I will, of course keep you up to date here on The Baubie Sunshine Blog!

Friday, October 21, 2011

Cranium All Boxed Up

Well it's been utter madness here. Trying to get the book here in time for xmas has left poor Baubie Sunshine Fans wondering if I've disappeared off the face of the earth. Well I have not, I am most certainly here and am in the background planning for the next exhibition in November, lots of new framed artwork and little treasures for all of you!
But for now, I simply can't resist showing you all Cranium Kid all boxed up and ready for shipping! Yipppeee! Here he is in all his loveliness...

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

*NEW* Halloween Night

Hello all, ooh I've just been away for way to long, I missed my little blog! Must catch up. Still lots of anticipation awaiting the arrival of Cranium Kid. Busy looking for stockists in Ireland and abroad.

Besides all that book stuff, I want to get back onto Baubie Sunshine. I am busy preparing for an exhibition in Dublin's Back Loft which starts on November 12th. Make sure you put that in your diaries and come along or if you're not on this land then don't fret because I will be posting loads of Photographs of it. Also I will be adding new art to the shop. I have recently finished this new picture and this will be at premiering at the show, it is aptly called 'Halloween Night',  recognise the little lanterns which featured on Alberto Tulsa? Check it out...

She's very ghostly and see throughable!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Craniuim Kid In The Flesh

Wow! We've just received a sample of the book from Miss Fanny Wu, our printing correspondent. It's AMAZING! We wanted to give yas a sneak look at the cover in all it's printed glory! Will be tweaking and approving the sample any day now and then the final book will be with us and available to buy at the start of November! Will keep you posted! Make sure you like Zebra In A Top Hat Press on Facebook HERE!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I LOVE This!

I recently came across the work of Polish Photographer Zofia Rydet (1911-1997) and instantly fell in love with her Gothic and Macabre style. She uses photographic collage to create her pictures and they are truly brilliant. Apparently her work was on display at the Photo Ireland Festival in August, I'm so sorry I missed that!

This one is my fave!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Corrina Corrina Ornate Frame Brooch

Hi Y'all. I have just added a beautiful miniature ornate frame brooch to the shop. It is vintage inspired and looks great pinned to your wooly coat or for jazzing up a waistcoat or clutch bag. This is super sweet and deliciously priced. Not many of these so hurry to get yours HERE...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Zebra In A Top Hat Press

Hello everyone, hope you are all well and happy as the evenings get darker and the days get colder. All I'm thinking about now (after the depression of seeing all the uniformed kids going back to school) is Halloween. I just LOVE Halloween! I have a few ideas of what I might dress up as, won't say just yet. Me and Dave went as psycho Doctor & Nurse zombies last year, haha!
Anyway the news today is about mine and Dave's new venture. Well it's new to you guys but for us it's been a long time coming. We have decided, after much consideration, to publish our own Children's book. This has been a dream of mine for as long back as I can remember. From an illustrators point of view, Children's books give me so much freedom, and even more so when doing it for myself (nobody making constant changes, bliss!).
Anyway, we actually wrote our first story together over 3 years ago. We decided to write in rhyme because we both love it, and of course it comes so naturally to Dave because of all his song writing. So we started and after a few battles, emerged with our first title 'Cranium Kid (The Boy Of The Head)'. It is a bittersweet but humorous tale about a bodyless boy who struggles with being so different.
I started illustrating it and found that I truly loved creating pictures for a story. It gave me a definite path to follow, which I would never ordinarily have when doing my art. It is very much still in the style of everything you know and love about The Baubie Sunshine Emporium, except slightly madder, if that's even possible!
We will be calling our new press office 'Zebra In A Top Hat Press'. There will be a full account of our journey with the book on our new blog including all the printing details and why we wanted to go it alone, and how in the future we'd like to help other Independent Authors get their books get out into the world. But for now all you need to know is that the book will hopefully be manufactured in the next month, and with all fingers crossed should be released Before Christmas. We are thrilled and super excited! Check out a sneaky preview of the cover and the mini synopsis...

Get your copy for Christmas 2012!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Van The Man

Hello everyone out there. My very favourite singer in the whole wide world is Van Morrison. His voice makes me go all weak and gooey. He was born on the 31st of August 1945, so I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Van! He is never given enough credit for the music he's written and it's so annoying! My favourite song in the whole wide world is Sweet Thing, from his album Astral Weeks. If you've never heard it, get it! He did a 40th anniversary tour 2 years ago and me and Dave went to see him in London's Royal Albert Hall. It was incredible, I was bawling all night long, especially through Sweet Thing...

The poster from the 40th Anniversary tour.

The Album Astral Weeks

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Joon Sailboat

Howdy folks, I have just added a new miniature brooch to the shop. It has a little print of Joon Sailboat on it (which features in the Baubie Sunshine original, Honey Joon Moon.) It is super cute and will look swell on your woolies or on your favourite tote bag. Grab yours HERE...

It has the name Joon painted on the side in tiny letters

From the Baubie Sunshine Original Honey Joon Moon!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here Comes The Sun Goodies

Hello all. I wanted to do a little round up of the products in the shop with the same theme. So today I've chosen the Here Comes The Sun theme which features the spherical headed Mr H'Alambro and flying air balloons.
There are original art prints, brooches and necklaces to choose from in this range. Check them all out in the shop HERE! See what Mr H'Alambro thinks about all this himself...

He is totally thrilled to have his own line of Jewells!

Here Comes The Sun Necklace

Mr H'Alambro Miniature Brooch

Here Comes The Sun Mini Print

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Corrina Vintage Swing Bag

I have just added my first piece of vintage to the shop and I'm so excited. I have always loved vintage because I like the idea of something being passed on and loved from person to person. It has more character and soul. I am merging vintage and something new by adding my little brooches. This bag is one of a kind and the dusty pink colour is totally 50's and therefore goes beautifully with Corrina Corrina. There are more vintage bags in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled. Pick it up in the shop here...