Monday, February 28, 2011

Happy Birthday George!

Happy belated birthday to George Harrison, which was on the 25th of February! He would be 68! He is my favourite Beatle and I LOVE so many of his songs, can't name them all but certainly 'Here Comes The Sun' comes to mind instantly! I'm sure he was thrown a huge birthday bash by John Lennon, Jimi Hendrex and Elvis in the big hotel in the sky...

Happy Birthday George!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Woman Factor

Hello all!
Just to let you all know that I will be showcasing my work at The Woman Factor in Dublin next week. Hope you all can make it! It will be my first solo show, so very exciting for me!! There will be loads of fabulous artists/ sculptors/ photographers/ fashion designers and women in business, so something for everyone. Will be a great show. Tickets cost e5 per day or 3 days for e10.

Event is held in The Back Loft/ La Catedral Studios,
7-11 St. Augustine Street (off Thomas Street), Dublin 8.

4th of March 2011 – Opening Night – 7pm to 11pm
5th of March 2011 – 2pm to 11pm
6th of March 2011 – 12pm to 6pm

Hope you can all make it!

The Back Loft

Tuesday, February 15, 2011


Dave gave me this brilliant poodle toy for Valentines day. She sings and dances from side to side. I don't think she has anything to do with love or Valentines day because she basically sings, 'Hello, how are you?'. But she's brilliant anyway, when I get a proper desk for my computer she'll definately be taking pride of place beside it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentines Day!

Today is the day of LOVE. Happy Valentines day one and all. Hope everyone is feeling the love today! If you're not, don't worry, I am sending out a whole lotta love through my post to you all!!!! x x x ;)
Lots of fun stuff on the agenda, will write about them all soon!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Poptart - better late than never!

I designed Poptart late last year but it slipped my mind to throw her up on the blog so y'all can have a look. Well here she is, better late than never. I think she looks like Eddie Izzard, what's with that? Anyway she is a lovely mannequin with a bird nesting in her wig. Hope you like!

Poptarts... yum yum yum!

I really like this!

I recently came across this blog by Celeste Anning. She's fab! I love her pictures and use of colour and madness. I LOVE her typography, it's brill,. Wish I could do that! I felt completely useless after looking at it though, the ongoing problem with looking at fabulous designers websites! Anyhoo thought you might like to take a look!