Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Happy Birthday Van The Man

Hello everyone out there. My very favourite singer in the whole wide world is Van Morrison. His voice makes me go all weak and gooey. He was born on the 31st of August 1945, so I just wanted to say Happy Birthday Van! He is never given enough credit for the music he's written and it's so annoying! My favourite song in the whole wide world is Sweet Thing, from his album Astral Weeks. If you've never heard it, get it! He did a 40th anniversary tour 2 years ago and me and Dave went to see him in London's Royal Albert Hall. It was incredible, I was bawling all night long, especially through Sweet Thing...

The poster from the 40th Anniversary tour.

The Album Astral Weeks

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Joon Sailboat

Howdy folks, I have just added a new miniature brooch to the shop. It has a little print of Joon Sailboat on it (which features in the Baubie Sunshine original, Honey Joon Moon.) It is super cute and will look swell on your woolies or on your favourite tote bag. Grab yours HERE...

It has the name Joon painted on the side in tiny letters

From the Baubie Sunshine Original Honey Joon Moon!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here Comes The Sun Goodies

Hello all. I wanted to do a little round up of the products in the shop with the same theme. So today I've chosen the Here Comes The Sun theme which features the spherical headed Mr H'Alambro and flying air balloons.
There are original art prints, brooches and necklaces to choose from in this range. Check them all out in the shop HERE! See what Mr H'Alambro thinks about all this himself...

He is totally thrilled to have his own line of Jewells!

Here Comes The Sun Necklace

Mr H'Alambro Miniature Brooch

Here Comes The Sun Mini Print

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Corrina Vintage Swing Bag

I have just added my first piece of vintage to the shop and I'm so excited. I have always loved vintage because I like the idea of something being passed on and loved from person to person. It has more character and soul. I am merging vintage and something new by adding my little brooches. This bag is one of a kind and the dusty pink colour is totally 50's and therefore goes beautifully with Corrina Corrina. There are more vintage bags in the pipeline so keep your eyes peeled. Pick it up in the shop here...

Ernie Through A Peephole

Hello everyone. I haven't been blogging in AGES!! Sorry about that, just was busy busy busy! Anyhoo, let's get on with it. To start with, I was spying on Ernie through a peep hole in the plants the other day. He spotted me by the end, ;). Here's a few pics of him with one of his little robot friends!

Talking robot topics with no knowledge of being

Suddenly he becomes aware of a rustling in the bushes...

He spots me...

My cover is blown.