Saturday, September 24, 2011

Craniuim Kid In The Flesh

Wow! We've just received a sample of the book from Miss Fanny Wu, our printing correspondent. It's AMAZING! We wanted to give yas a sneak look at the cover in all it's printed glory! Will be tweaking and approving the sample any day now and then the final book will be with us and available to buy at the start of November! Will keep you posted! Make sure you like Zebra In A Top Hat Press on Facebook HERE!

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

I LOVE This!

I recently came across the work of Polish Photographer Zofia Rydet (1911-1997) and instantly fell in love with her Gothic and Macabre style. She uses photographic collage to create her pictures and they are truly brilliant. Apparently her work was on display at the Photo Ireland Festival in August, I'm so sorry I missed that!

This one is my fave!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Corrina Corrina Ornate Frame Brooch

Hi Y'all. I have just added a beautiful miniature ornate frame brooch to the shop. It is vintage inspired and looks great pinned to your wooly coat or for jazzing up a waistcoat or clutch bag. This is super sweet and deliciously priced. Not many of these so hurry to get yours HERE...

Monday, September 12, 2011

Zebra In A Top Hat Press

Hello everyone, hope you are all well and happy as the evenings get darker and the days get colder. All I'm thinking about now (after the depression of seeing all the uniformed kids going back to school) is Halloween. I just LOVE Halloween! I have a few ideas of what I might dress up as, won't say just yet. Me and Dave went as psycho Doctor & Nurse zombies last year, haha!
Anyway the news today is about mine and Dave's new venture. Well it's new to you guys but for us it's been a long time coming. We have decided, after much consideration, to publish our own Children's book. This has been a dream of mine for as long back as I can remember. From an illustrators point of view, Children's books give me so much freedom, and even more so when doing it for myself (nobody making constant changes, bliss!).
Anyway, we actually wrote our first story together over 3 years ago. We decided to write in rhyme because we both love it, and of course it comes so naturally to Dave because of all his song writing. So we started and after a few battles, emerged with our first title 'Cranium Kid (The Boy Of The Head)'. It is a bittersweet but humorous tale about a bodyless boy who struggles with being so different.
I started illustrating it and found that I truly loved creating pictures for a story. It gave me a definite path to follow, which I would never ordinarily have when doing my art. It is very much still in the style of everything you know and love about The Baubie Sunshine Emporium, except slightly madder, if that's even possible!
We will be calling our new press office 'Zebra In A Top Hat Press'. There will be a full account of our journey with the book on our new blog including all the printing details and why we wanted to go it alone, and how in the future we'd like to help other Independent Authors get their books get out into the world. But for now all you need to know is that the book will hopefully be manufactured in the next month, and with all fingers crossed should be released Before Christmas. We are thrilled and super excited! Check out a sneaky preview of the cover and the mini synopsis...

Get your copy for Christmas 2012!